Benny Boy (880546)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (268 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Dirt Grounds
Published Dec 13, 2007
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Moving on...Written Jan 03, 2009
Hello, As many of you know, I have been absent from the Sims community, on many sites, for quite some time. I feel it is time to move on from The Sims, and pursue other dreams that I have. This includes college. In August, I will be moving away from home and will be going to a 2-year graphic design school in Des Moines, Iowa. After graduation from college, I hope to do some... ...More
Finals and Christmas !Written Dec 20, 2007
Hello again... As you know, Christmas is coming up which means high schools are on the verge of finals. The semester testing for my school started this afternoon and goes until 2:30 PM on Friday afternoon. I'm a senior in high school and can't wait for these last few months to fly by so i can get the heck outta high school! I can't wait for freedom!! This being said, and with... ...More
**Update**Written Dec 11, 2007
Hello. Wow, it's been a while since I've created something and posted a new blog, but as of tonight, that has changed. I'm in the process of creating and uploading a new Dirt Grounds set, a ground texture that will be available, hopefully, soon on The Sims Resource. (Note to self: bribe Girl-from-mars) . Haha!! On other terms, my mini site. You may notice that I changed the color... ...More